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What are the features available on Mission RGPD?

Mission RGPD offers several features through different applications accessible from the left-hand side menu.

Feel free to consult our other detailed guides for each specific feature.

The applications are categorized into different sections:

❖ Compliance

  • Records of processing

  • Processor's record

  • Incidents reports

  • Subjects Rights

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (PIA)

❖ Activity Management

  • Actions

  • Audits

  • Improvements

❖ Resources & Assistances

  • Data pool

  • Files space

  • Legal resources

  • Customer portal

  • Direct Lawyer (Legal Counsel)

❖ Organizations

❖ Dashboard

❖ My GDPR expert appointment

Please note that the mentioned features are accessible through the respective applications, and each offers specific tools to assist in GDPR compliance and management.


Record of processings

The register of processing activities is essential document of GDPR compliance. It represents the compilation of all data collection activities that your organization may undertake. Say goodbye to the frustration of filling out these forms and welcome automation and collaboration with our user-friendly and easy-to-use platform.

  • Assistance is provided through tooltips throughout the form.

  • You have the option to work individually or as a team, thanks to the platform's workflow.

  • Processing activity templates are provided by the platform.

  • An algorithm automatically calculates the risk of a data collection activity within your organization.

Processor's record

You may be processing personal data on behalf of other organizations, whether they are external entities or internal ones, such as handling the payroll for one of your subsidiaries. If that's the case, the platform will guide you step-by-step, simply and intuitively, to help you build your register of processor.

  • Assistance is provided through tooltips throughout the form.

  • You have the option to work individually or as a team, thanks to the platform's workflow.

  • Easily add or remove data controllers (organizations that entrust you with the processing of personal data).

Incidents reports

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common, and it is essential to be prepared for such occurrences. Establish procedures in case of an incident, document the incident when it happens, notify the affected individuals and/or the supervisory authority (CNIL in France), and learn from past experiences. The platform supports you throughout these steps and provides guidance on the measures to be taken.

  • Document and categorize personal data breaches using the platform.

  • Export your incidents.

  • Link an incident to a processing activity, privacy impact assessment, audit, etc.

  • Involve the relevant individuals who need to be informed about the incident and those responsible for handling the incident.

Subjects Rights

Whether you work in B2B or B2C, you may face requests to exercise rights from clients, consumers, or employees. Depending on the nature of the request, you must comply with specific legal obligations. It's not always easy to navigate through these complexities, but with Mission RGPD, you are supported in managing these requests.

  • Document the requests within the platform.

  • Receive guidance from the platform on processing the request.

  • Integrate a request form into your websites, internal or external documents, unsubscribe links in newsletters, prospecting materials, etc.

  • Establish a connection between the form and the platform, allowing you to be notified of new requests and have them automatically recorded in your account.


PIA, which stands for Privacy Impact Assessment, is mandatory in certain cases, particularly when processing data that may imply a high risk to the individuals affected by the processing.

Whether you are familiar with this term or not, it is always crucial to have support during the elaboration of the impact assessment.

With Mission RGPD, you can conduct these assessments confidently and serenely.

Activity management


Generate action plans and assign them to your team. Follow the execution of each actions and establish links with other documents such as audits, notification of data processing, etc.


With the introduction of the GDPR in 2018, achieving compliance requires genuine technical expertise. Conducting audits allows you to verify and control whether you comply with this regulation on various aspects (website, exercise of individuals' rights, security, etc.) and identify potential areas for improvement accordingly.

  • Different audits provided by legal experts on essential GDPR topics are available on Mission RGPD.

  • Option to generate custom audits with personalized questions.

  • Ability for your team members to answer questions or send them externally while maintaining optimal confidentiality levels for other documents in the platform.

Ressources & Assistances

Data pool

Easily map out your partners, data processors, and software to enhanced simplicity.

Files space

Centralize all your documents, procedures, notes, etc., in the platform within a shared space with your team. You'll have a folder for each entity and user, as well as a shared folder. For example, upload your IT charter into the shared folder and send the access link to external individuals who are not platform users. They will only have access to the documents you've provide them with access to, without seeing other information stored in the platform.

Legal resources

Take advantage of the numerous templates and legal documents for a simplified compliance process.

Customer portal

Find our knowledge base (guides, FAQs, videos, and much more) in the "useful documents" section of our help center.

Interact with the Mission RGPD community.

Ask us your questions or create a support ticket. Our support team is available 5 days a week from 9 am to 5 pm.

Direct avocat

This option is only used to interact with your organization's lawyer.


The platform allows you to manage the compliance of multiple entities within a centralized interface. Access to one of your organizations and see only its records of processing, actions, audits, etc.


Drive your compliance through indicators and dashboards for greater simplicity.