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Informations sur le formulaire

Vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, mettre à disposition des personnes concernées (clients, prospects, collaborateurs,...) un formulaire accessible en ligne afin de formaliser des demandes d’exercice de droits.

Ce formulaire peut être intégré sur votre site internet, dans vos mails, dans une version dématérialisée de vos CGV, etc.

Pour chaque demande effectuée via ce formulaire en ligne, la demande sera automatiquement importée au sein de l’application “Droits des personnes” de la plateforme, et prête à être traitée.

Nous vous expliquons ci-dessous comment procéder pour générer votre propre formulaire.

Configure the web form for rights requests

If you wish, you can provide individuals (customers, prospects, employees, etc.) with a form accessible from your website to formalize their rights requests online.

Each request submitted through this online form will be automatically recorded within the 'Subjects Rights' application of the platform and ready for processing.

We will explain below how to proceed with this.

Within the entity of your choice, in the 'Organization Management' section, you will find a field labeled 'Owner of automated web rights requests.'

By clicking on this field, you need to select a user responsible for handling these requests from within your entity.

You can share this link with your website administrator to implement it either as:

  • an 'iframe' format (to allow for customizing the form's appearance),

  • a direct integration link on your site, with a fixed appearance that cannot be modified.

Preview the web form for rights requests

Your form is now ready! You can preview it by copying the URL and opening it in a new tab.

When an individual submits a rights request through the form accessible on your website, the "Owner of automated web rights requests" receives a new pre-filled rights request to process.